The Events page was not maintained for a number of years. This page includes some perhaps interesting historical records. The Cybernetics Society has been hosting conversations and lectures since the late 1960s.
CybSights monthly events.
Our current events schedule is maintained on Eventbrite. We host the President's and the Insights CybSights series on Zoom. The President's series is hosted by Prof John Beckford FCybS on the second Wednesday of each month @17:00-19:00 UK. The Insights Series, hosted by the Secretary, Angus Jenkinson FCybS, is on the fourth Tuesday each month @18:00-19:30 UK.
Meetings are open to members of the Cybernetics Society and also the general public. Non-members are invited to join or give a donation. Booking is required.
For the full set of up coming sessions, visit our studio page.
The CybSights President's Series

This programme that will bring interesting people together to explore the relevance and contribution of cybernetics to addressing important challenges. Each event consists of contributions by two different speakers, each followed by individual Q&A. A lively and engaging plenary discussion follows seeking areas of convergence and divergence between the ideas explored. Host Prof John Beckford FCybS.
The Insights Series

This is an eclectic and learned collection of monthly events including lectures, seminars, conversations, dramas, debates, participation, all advancing our knowledge of cybernetics and its applications to real world needs. Cybernetics is the science of designed achievement, the great meta-discipline of our time. Host Angus Jenkinson FCybS.
London Meetings (2007)
In the era before Covid-19 and the move online)
Unless otherwise stated London meetings are held on the last Monday of each month except August and December, starting at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm in the Council Room King's College, 152 to 170 Strand, London, WC2R 1ES. Directions to King's College (Strand campus). A clearer street map by Multimap. Car, tube and bus additional directions
2007 Monthly Meetings Programme
The following dates have been confirmed. Please put them in your diary now.
Visitors travelling a significant distance to attend a talk are advised to confirm the date and time with a Council Member beforehand.
Monday 26th November 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Martin Smith
Dr Alex Andrew, Director General WOSC "In Defence of Strong AI" Download
Monday 29th October 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Tony Booth
Dr. Jannis Kallinikos (LSE) "The Consequences of Information: Institutional Implications of Technological Change". Abstract
Monday 30th July 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Alex Andrew
AGM followed at 7.00pm by "Mythical Minds" Dr. Mark Bishop, Reader in Computing, Goldsmiths College, University of London. Abstract
Monday 28th May 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Bank Holiday
No meeting on May 28th
Monday 30th April 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Dr Ranulph Glanville
"Cybernetics and Design"
Stephen Gage, Professor of Innovative Technology, University College London.
Professor Gage's postgraduate students from the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) will give presentations from three or four of:- "Interactive Cybernetic Art", "Machine Gesture Recognition", "Real Time City Air Pollution Warning Mannequins", "Alternative Technology Water Conservation" and "Interpreting Behaviour Through Sound".
Monday 26th March
Bernard Scott
Dr Barry Gibson "An Introduction to Niklas Luhmann's Autopoietic Theory of Social Systems" Video and Abstract.
Monday 29th January
Bill Pratt
Dr. Derek Hill "An Introduction to Medical Imaging"
2005/2006 Monthly Meetings Programme
Monday 26th September
Mr. Tony Booth
Tony Booth "Big Rabbit from a Small Hat: Quantum Prestidigitation in a Wave Model". More
Monday 31st October Room 2BA
Mr. Nick Green
Nick Green "Pask's Last Theorem: Like concepts repel unlike concepts attract". More
Monday 28th November
Dr David Dewhurst
Professor Jack Cohen "The Appearance of Design". More
2006 Monday 30th January
Dr. William Pratt
"Cybernetics and Education" More
Monday 27th February
Dr. Ranulph Glanville
Dr Shann Turnbull "Using cybernetics to evaluate and design social organizations". More
Monday 27th March
Dr. Bernard Scott
Dr Bernard Scott and Dr Simon Shurville "What is a symbol?" More
Monday 24th April
Prof. Martin Smith
Dr Syed Raza "Sending Money Over the Internet" More
Wednesday 31st May
Prof. Martin Smith
Sally Ingram "Chaos, Fractals and the Quantum Mechanical Organisation of the Human Genome" More
Monday 26th June
Council Meeting and AGM
Saturday 16th September
Cybcon 2006
If you would like to talk to the Society please get in contact with one of the meeting organisers.
Additional Directions
By Car
Car travellers can park nearby in Surrey Street, Temple Place or Arundel Street at parking meters which are free after 6.30 pm. The congestion charge does not apply after 6.30 pm. Before 6.30 the charge is £8 (if paid before 10 pm). It can be paid by telephone on 0845 900 1234 or on the Congestion Charge website.
By Tube
For Underground train travellers the nearest stations are Temple (500 metres, District and Circle lines), Covent Garden (800 metres, Piccadilly line), Embankment and Charing Cross (800 metres, Northern and Bakerloo lines).
By Bus
Bus travellers may catch the 6, 7, 13, 23, 76, 521 and RV1.
From the King's College Strand main entrance walk through the reception area into the courtyard. Continue into the courtyard for about 20 metres, turn left into the main building entrance. Climb the left hand staircase and turn left along the first floor corridor.