“What’s my Motivation?” A cybernetic question and its dramatic enactment.

Written by Jamie Acutt · 2 min read >

February 7


08:04 am - 08:04 am

Event Category:

CybSights Insights Series

A dramatic exploration of motivation through drama led by famed director and cybernetician Tom Scholte

The Insights Series is an eclectic and learned collection of monthly events on the 4th Tuesday of each month hosted by the Secretary of the Cybernetics Society. There will be lectures, seminars, conversations, debates, participation, all advancing our knowledge of cybernetics and its applications to real world needs.

It is the science of achievement, the great meta-discipline of our time.

The CybSights Insights series is normally curated and hosted by the Secretary, Angus Jenkinson, FCybS. GAttendance is free. Non-members are invited to make an optional donation or to Join.

“What’s my Motivation?” A Cybernetic Question and its Dramatic Enactment

This business-savvy and human-centred immersive experience is a fun/serious exploration of motivation and human behaviour through the media of drama, conversation and reflection — all ready for Christmas. It offers a highly engaging, provocative, and enjoyable encounter with cybernetics led by Tom Scholte, a noted professor and director of theatre, film, and social encounter. The point is to discover the real nature of behaviour and how it is (self)- managed.Relevance to business and social practice will be evident. Enjoy. .

Admission for ASC and PCT members is free, donate, or join the Cybernetics Society.

The phrase “What’s my motivation?” is often invoked to satirize the stereotypically difficult “method actor” in the domains of theatre and film. Yet, this question at the very heart of the actor’s craft is deeply cybernetic and profoundly important.

Iti points to the active causation and self-organizing element of behaviour that is at once deeply cybernetic and at the core of the mimetic mechanisms of dramatic art-forms. How behaviour happens to bring about individual outcomes and how those interact with others’ — well there’s the rub.

Through a lively, interactive session, Tom Scholte will introduce participants to the vast potential of theatre-based modes of cybernetic situational enquiry. It will be designed to explore and, literally, “rehearse” interventions into chronic conflict points in organizations.

Join us, and find out just how deep the question, “What’s my motivation?” can take us!

Prof Tom Scholte

Tom Scholte s the Vice-President elect of the American Society for Cybernetics and a Professor of Acting and Directing for both stage and screen at the University of British Columbia. As a writer, actor, producer, his work has been seen at such venues as the Toronto, Berlin, and Sundance Film Festivals. He is the Faculty Lead of Conflict Theatre@UBC; a joint initiative of his home department, UBC Human Resources, and UBC Office of Equity and Inclusion. The team uses methods of interactive theatre to explore workplace conflict. His research on the cybernetics of acting and Forum Theatre as a modeling facility for complex social contexts can be found in such journals as Kybernetes, Constructivist Foundations, and Futures.

Expect audience participation!

Cybernetics Society – a learned society to join?

Cybernetics offers a distinct “go” — techniques — to address local and global challenges of the 21st century.

The Cybernetics Society promotes and offers education and research opportunities in the rich field of cybernetics. It is a specially authorised learned society regulated by the FSA and established by a 1974 Act of Parliament. To join visit our membership system or pick the Join ticket. We give MCybS and FCybS postnomal awards.

Cybernetics and the Society seek understanding of the vast domain of active causation, internally controlled behaviour towards outcomes of value in living organisms, people, ecosystems, societies and firms, and non-living machines. We cultivate the principles and praxis required to design policies, interventions, and innovations for social and ecological weal.

Cybernetics plays into and strongly influences many scientific and practice fields including design, epistemology, ecology, biology, psychology and living behaviour, technology and engineering, social policy, and business practice. Many feature in the wonderfully aware and successful designers and thinkers of this series.

We are interested in people who are learners, advisers, researchers, academics, designers, leaders. Those involved in policy and practice — think tanks, central and local government, enterprises, foundations, academic and civil society institutions. These may range from Rowntree to RSA, Royal Society to the Royal Institute of British Architects, the local housing association to the UN. We place great importance on the value of cybernetics for better business. From startups to global giants, cybernetics offers powerful insight and tools for enterprise.

The Cybernetics Society has been hosting conversations and lectures since the late 1960s. We also have an Annual Conference. Videos are shared on our YouTube Channel. Get in touch of you have an idea. Follow us.

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