
Cybernetic approaches to Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Design?

  The UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub’s TAS Syllabus Lab is organising its first Workshop on Methods, Tools and Techniques for TAS Design...

Written by Caitlin Bentley · 55 sec read >


The UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub’s TAS Syllabus Lab is organising its first Workshop on Methods, Tools and Techniques for TAS Design and Development. This workshop is organised in collaboration with the Cybernetics Society, the Australian National University (ANU) School of CyberneticsThales and the University of Exeter. This workshop focuses on methods, tools, and techniques to design and develop Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS).

The workshop is in conjunction with the 14th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2022 – 21-24 June 2022 – Sophia Antipolis, France)


We encourage interested participants to submit an abstract (1-2 pages) on promising design methods, tools, and techniques – particularly in the area of user/actor and design requirements modelling. Methods, tools or techniques selected should emphasise the role and place of trustworthiness in requirements modelling. The authors of three accepted abstracts will each be given a 20-minute slot to give an oral presentation during the workshop.

Topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:

    • Adaptation of existing interactive systems requirements modelling methods, tools or techniques.
    • Proposals of new methods, tools or techniques for requirements modelling.
    • Case studies of real-world TAS requirements modelling.
    • Experience reports by practitioners and researchers.
    • Tools or techniques for cross-disciplinary teams, collaboration and communication.

Once the abstract is accepted, we will ask authors to submit a short paper prior to the workshop (a 6-page paper).

Important dates

    • April 15th, 2022 – deadline for abstract submission
    • April 22nd 2022 – notification of accepted workshop abstracts
    • April 29th 2022 – camera-ready deadline for workshop abstracts.
    • June 21st 2022 – workshop day

For further information, please visit the event page

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