The 14th Metaphorum conference ‘Act to live! Viability in times of uncertainty’ will be in Leuven, Belgium on June 10th-12th. This isn a cybernetic initiative most focused on business, government,
Metaphorum is inviting presentations focused on examples of innovative action research, applying, and developing Stafford Beer’s theory and tools and critically reflecting on effective practice. These are the deadlines for participants in the conference:
Submit abstract of your contribution by April 20th, 2022
Confirmation of acceptance by May 9th, 2022
Finish ranking of abstracts by May 20th, 2022
The abstract must be a maximum of 250 words. It should explain the focus of the talk, the methodology and tools used, the learning from the action research, and the particular contribution to developing Stafford Beer’s work.
the Metaphorum team is looking forward to seeing you at the webinar and the conference in Leuven.
Please register your interest in attending by clicking the ‘register’ box on the conference webpage.
(PS One of the contributing groups is a CybSoc SIG that has been working on developing VSM capability.)